TwistedBrush Pro Studio - программа для художников. Она имеет большое количество самых разнообразных инструментов для рисования, от красок до мелков и карандашей. Эта программа глубоко поражает буквально с первого запуска. Интерфейсом Twisted-Brush мало похож на другие редакторы, хотя и предоставляет все необходимые возможности: работа с буфером обмена, зуминг и, конечно же, рисование. Причем рисующий инструмент только один — кисточка, зато количество (более 3000 штук!!!) и качество пресетов для рисования, а также многообразие форм и регулируемость размеров и цветовой гаммы позволяют человеку, не особо одаренному художественными талантами, буквально за пару минут изобразить то, что — возможно, более аккуратно и качественно, конечно — профессионал, работающий в другом редакторе, рисовал бы, наверное, не один час. Here is what\'s new in 16.10: Added - Art Pro - Watercolors ArtSet added. Added - A new ArtSets from Lee-N-Ardo. Collections - LNA Fur 101. A big thanks to LNA for the contributions!! Added - Two new ArtSets from Lee-N-Ardo. Collections - LNA Skin 101 and 102. A big thanks to LNA for the contributions!! Added - Alpha Lay new brush effect. For use in combination with other Lay brush effects to allow for transparency with many of the Lay brush effects. Added - Shape Blur new brush effect. Allows for setting a blur factor for brush shapes. Gives significant flexibility for brush designers. Added - Blend Mix Capture, Blend Mix Underlayer, Blend Mix History and Blend Mix Trace brush effects added. These mix the source buffer with the blending buffer. Useful when used in combination with the Lay brush effects. Added - Added one new texture - Full Coverage. Mostly for internal utility purposes. Improved - The Value Blur filter has received both performance and quality improvements. This is a core blur type that is used in a number of other filters and solutions in TwistedBrush. Improved - Do not reload pigment onto brushes when the size dynamically changes during a stroke. This results in a smoother color flow when the brush sizes change. Improved - The Bleed brush effect has been improved when moving over fully transparent areas. Improved - Added an Extreme option to the Surface Blur and Noise Reduction 2 filters. Improved - The Bld brush effects work in combination with the new Blend Mix brush effects. These can lead to some powerful combinations. Improved - The Color Picker no longer switches colors when selecting a fully transparent area of the layer. Previously it was changing the color to white. Improved - The Resat (re-saturation) brush effect now works with blending brushes. Fixed - There were some typos in the Cloners - Artistic 2 ArtSet. Fixed - The Surface Blur and Noise Reduction 2 filters were not working below a size value of 5. Fixed - When using variable size brushes that blend it was possible that the brush was not fully cleaned at the start of the next stroke. Fixed - When dismissing the Brush Options dialog moving the cursor over the color palette would change the current color. ![]( Оф.сайт: Активация: не требуется (Portable) Язык интерфейса: english Размер файла: 18.31 Мб Формат файла: rar (5% на восстановление) Платформа/ОС: Windows 95/98/me/2000/NT/XP/Vista Скачать | Download Скачать Зеркало Зеркало Зеркало